Teaching Word Choice as one of the 6 Traits is also a vocabulary builder for students. One activity I do is very simple, but the kids really like it. We talk about the "value" of words and "boring" words that are so often
repeated in their writing.

A box of crayons has so many colors today with creative names the companies have developed. Our crayons are in a table baskets--one for each table to use. I give them a few
minutes to dig out the crayons and read the names. We discuss how our writing can improve if we use more "valuable" words. I give them the example of using "scarlet" for "red", and "sapphire" for "blue". Then, the activity begins.
Students will be able to use the basket of crayons to find creative names for any shade of red, purple, pink, blue, yellow, green, orange, and brown. They record the names in the color boxes. Sometimes, tables trade baskets just to look for more names. They like this detective work!
When finished, I have them turn to the last page in the packet that has flowers and stems. Students can color the flowers, however, they must use the "valuable" words they found for crayon names. If they decide to make the flower two colors, then they have to provide two names. Names, of course, are written in the box at the bottom of the flower.
This packet can be used for reference while writing. It can be stored in a writing folder or whatever organizational tool you use for your students. It can even grow into a writing assignment beyond the vocabulary. It's a great hands-on activity in teaching only one aspect of Word Choice, and the children love it!! Have fun with Word Choice!!
You can find this activity at both of my stores: