Thursday, September 14, 2017

What Do You Do With A Problem? --Read Aloud Activity Packet

This story is about a boy trying to deal with a problem. The problem is like a cloud following him around. After being unsuccessful in dodging the problem, he comes to the conclusion that there may be a "silver thread in that cloud". Great story about solving problems using the themes of perseverance and courage. This activity packet includes a vocabulary list, word search, flash cards, discussion questions as well as discussion cards for small groups, story snapshot illustration and writing sheet about the story, 8 written responses to the story, short answer question assessment, themes poster design and writing activity, and lesson notes. This book and activity packet is great to use when teaching life skills!
HAPPY  READING!!     📗 Susan  ðŸ’œ


Monday, September 11, 2017

THE RECESS QUEEN--Read Aloud Activity Packet

What a wonderful story about a simple act of kindness changing the way everything works! Alexis O'Neil's, The Recess Queen, uses a main character named Mean Jean to demonstrate the idea of bullying at recess. She also has a new kid named Katie Sue that changes everything on the playground. This packet gives you many activities to use with your students. It includes vocabulary word list, flash cards, discussion questions, discussion cards for small groups, 14 pages of written responses to the story, short answer questions, word search, story snapshot, and a theme poster design with a writing piece. Bullying is looked at through the students' eyes, and the theme of kindness also shows how a person's actions can be changed for the better. Happy Reading!  ðŸ˜Š Susan  ðŸ“˜


Friday, September 8, 2017

Spaghetti in a Hot Dog Bun--Read Aloud Activity Packet about Courage

The courage to be yourself is the theme for this wonderful book about a girl named Lucy. She struggles with this idea at school. It is a common theme for many people, but especially children. The author, Maria Dismondy, explores this theme by providing situations for Lucy in her daily encounters with others. This packet includes opportunities to discuss genre, themes, and emotions. There is a 20-word vocabulary list with flashcards and a Word Search. Discussion Questions for whole group discussion are provided along with Discussion Cards to be used in small group settings. I've included 14 possible Written Responses to the reading. An assessment- Short Answer Questions-is in the packet. As another way of looking at the story, there is a Story Snapshot with space for an illustration and lines for a writing explanation of the picture. Finally, I have added what I call a Theme Poster Design where students have directions, a sheet highlighting "Courage" with illustration space and writing paper to discuss the theme. Your students will love this story!         😊 Susan 📚 

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Sunday, September 3, 2017

What if Everybody Did That? Read Aloud Activity Packet

Kindness and Honesty are the themes for this book about a boy with little of each. His choices lead to the same question, "What if everybody did that?" Author Ellen Javernick provides many situations for the boy to learn from. The Activity Packet includes a 20-word vocabulary list, flashcards, Discussion Questions for whole group, Discussion Cards for small group study, 14 Written Responses, Short Answer Question Assessment, Word Find, and Story Snapshot. This is a great book to read to students!

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