Sunday, November 26, 2017

Teachers Pay Teachers Cyber Sale


Let's have a sale just in time for Christmas!! Teachers Pay Teachers is having a sale on Monday, November 27th through Tuesday, November 28th. I have discounted all products in my store, and if you use the Promo Code CYBER17, you can earn up to a 25% discount on your purchases.

Follow the link to my store "Imagination Station". 
'Tis the season to be happily shopping! Susan :-)

Thursday, September 14, 2017

What Do You Do With A Problem? --Read Aloud Activity Packet

This story is about a boy trying to deal with a problem. The problem is like a cloud following him around. After being unsuccessful in dodging the problem, he comes to the conclusion that there may be a "silver thread in that cloud". Great story about solving problems using the themes of perseverance and courage. This activity packet includes a vocabulary list, word search, flash cards, discussion questions as well as discussion cards for small groups, story snapshot illustration and writing sheet about the story, 8 written responses to the story, short answer question assessment, themes poster design and writing activity, and lesson notes. This book and activity packet is great to use when teaching life skills!
HAPPY  READING!!     📗 Susan  💜


Monday, September 11, 2017

THE RECESS QUEEN--Read Aloud Activity Packet

What a wonderful story about a simple act of kindness changing the way everything works! Alexis O'Neil's, The Recess Queen, uses a main character named Mean Jean to demonstrate the idea of bullying at recess. She also has a new kid named Katie Sue that changes everything on the playground. This packet gives you many activities to use with your students. It includes vocabulary word list, flash cards, discussion questions, discussion cards for small groups, 14 pages of written responses to the story, short answer questions, word search, story snapshot, and a theme poster design with a writing piece. Bullying is looked at through the students' eyes, and the theme of kindness also shows how a person's actions can be changed for the better. Happy Reading!  😊 Susan  📘


Friday, September 8, 2017

Spaghetti in a Hot Dog Bun--Read Aloud Activity Packet about Courage

The courage to be yourself is the theme for this wonderful book about a girl named Lucy. She struggles with this idea at school. It is a common theme for many people, but especially children. The author, Maria Dismondy, explores this theme by providing situations for Lucy in her daily encounters with others. This packet includes opportunities to discuss genre, themes, and emotions. There is a 20-word vocabulary list with flashcards and a Word Search. Discussion Questions for whole group discussion are provided along with Discussion Cards to be used in small group settings. I've included 14 possible Written Responses to the reading. An assessment- Short Answer Questions-is in the packet. As another way of looking at the story, there is a Story Snapshot with space for an illustration and lines for a writing explanation of the picture. Finally, I have added what I call a Theme Poster Design where students have directions, a sheet highlighting "Courage" with illustration space and writing paper to discuss the theme. Your students will love this story!         😊 Susan 📚 

This product can be found in both stores listed:

Sunday, September 3, 2017

What if Everybody Did That? Read Aloud Activity Packet

Kindness and Honesty are the themes for this book about a boy with little of each. His choices lead to the same question, "What if everybody did that?" Author Ellen Javernick provides many situations for the boy to learn from. The Activity Packet includes a 20-word vocabulary list, flashcards, Discussion Questions for whole group, Discussion Cards for small group study, 14 Written Responses, Short Answer Question Assessment, Word Find, and Story Snapshot. This is a great book to read to students!

 💜Visit my stores 😊:

Monday, August 28, 2017

Yoko--Read Aloud Activity Packet

Hi friends. I have just posted this product in my shops. This book is a lovely story, and there are lots of opportunities to explore it.

Explore diversity using the Theme of Acceptance found in the read aloud book, Yoko, written by Rosemary Wells. This packet includes "Lesson Notes, Vocabulary List, Vocabulary Flashcards, Discussion Questions, Discussion Question Cards for small groups, Written Response, Short Answer Questions, Word Search, and a Story Snapshot." The "Lesson Notes" provides ideas on how to use the materials.

Grades 3-6 are targeted with the materials in the packet. It provides for writing, analyzing, using theme, story elements, and whole group/small group questioning.

You can find the product in my shops listed below. Thanks, and Have a Great Day!!!  Susan

Monday, August 21, 2017

Teachers Pay Teachers August 22nd Bonus Sale

TPT is sponsoring a 1 day Bonus Sale tomorrow, August 22nd!!! So, if you have products in mind--tomorrow will be the time to buy! All items in my store will be up to 25% off all day (Be sure to use the Promo Code: BTSBONUS). I have some items in my cart already. :-) Be sure to pass the word and ENJOY SHOPPING!

Friday, August 11, 2017

Student Word Collector Booklets: Primary & Intermediate

Want a way for students to save sight words, vocabulary, etc. throughout the year? These Word Collector Booklets provide a way for students to do just that.  
(Primary Example left)

(Intermediate Example right)

There is a page for each letter of the alphabet. It can be copied back-to-back to give double the amount of words. It's a great resource for students to use in spelling words, practice reading word lists, and feel more confident    about using words in their        writing. The Primary back       cover includes a Manuscript Alphabet, and the Intermediate includes a Cursive Alphabet for reference.

Susan :-)

Both products are available in my stores:

Monday, August 7, 2017

How Do You Make a Sandwich? Writing Packets in Primary & Intermediate Levels

These products allow students to explore Expository Writing. A given set of food items is provided with the option of adding additional items. Please read the summary for each level below. Products are available in both TPT and TN stores.
I love writing!!!  Susan

This product gives students an opportunity to be introduced to Expository 
Writing at the Primary level. In this case, the writing explains how to make a sandwich that includes a given set of foods to use. Included are Lesson Ideas. There is a Word List with 20 topic words. This introduction lets students be exposed to the words and practice reading them. Students are given choices of food products to use. The directions for making the sandwich are written in Scrambled Sentences. Students will read through the 8 steps, circle their food choices, and then number them in the correct step order. A Student Writing Booklet allows students to write the steps in order in booklet form. There is also a frame for an illustration. An extension is also part of the product. There are two pages of paragraph writing paper. Doing this activity gives students the chance to transfer sentences into paragraph form. Finally, an illustrated food choice sheet lets students number the choices in step order.

 This product gives students an opportunity to practice Expository Writing at the Intermediate level. In this case, the writing explains how to make a sandwich. Included are Vocabulary Brainstorming pages for nouns/adjectives and verbs/adverbs. A list of vocabulary is also included, and it can have words added. A Transition Word page is also included for students to introduce the sequencing of their writing. A Spell-Check/Editing Sheet is provided for self-editing, peer-editing, or with the teacher. A Rough Draft is used first followed by the Final Copy after proofreading. There is also a Scrambled Sentences Option. As an extension of this activity, I have included a student cover page along with writing/illustration pages. This allows students to transfer sentence writing into paragraph form. They are also able to embellish on each step.

Monthly Fact Research Products--Primary & Intermediate

These products are available in both primary and intermediate packets. Research practice on a monthly basis gives students the practice they need to become more familiar with the process and better researchers!! Happy Researching! Susan

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Just a Reminder--10 Read Aloud Packets for Back to School!

Back to School Read Aloud Activity Packets

(Back to School themed activities are always a great way to begin the year. The ten titles below are available in primary and intermediate packets.)
Read Alouds are a great way to share literature with the students in your class. They love to hear you read! I always like to use my document camera to project the books as I read. That way the illustrations are big enough to see, and so colorful. After the books are read, they can also be put in a center so students can reread the story as they do any part of the activity packet.

I have created activity packets for ten back to school titles. These packets are available in both primary and intermediate versions. Each packet includes the following materials: Teacher Story Chart (summary), Vocabulary Word Wall cards, Word Study activity for vocabulary, "Story Bits"-comprehension questions with an illustration, Written Response to Reading with illustrations, Character Sketch, Comic Strip retelling of the story, and a Word Search using vocabulary and character names. Any part of the packet would make a great display of student work. Students can also be placed in small literacy groups to discuss the story and their work with each other. The available titles are on the 2 posters.

These products are available at both my TPT and  TN stores.


Monday, July 31, 2017

Back to School Sale August 1 & 2!!

Hi friends--it's that time of year. TPT is having a "Back to School" sale on August 1st and 2nd. All products in my store are discounted at 20% plus an additional 5% when you use the promo code BTS2017 at the checkout.

You will find many products for the start of the year--check just a few of them below.

There are many read aloud book title products available in both primary and intermediate skill levels.

The link for my store:

Happy Shopping!! Susan :-)

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Snipping Tool?

Hi everyone...after having just posted product news, I have a problem with the clarity of my jpegs. I use the snipping tool. Does anyone use anything differently that gets better clarity? Please share. I am not happy with the fuzziness at all. Thanks so much!

How Do You Make a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich?

I just posted 2 new products! One is for primary and the other for intermediate. Expository writing can involve explaining something--like how to make a sandwich.

The primary product is a good introduction to this writing. The vocabulary is introduced. Students can pair up, trade vocabulary sheets, read the words, and check off the ones they know. The steps to making the sandwich are out of order. Students must read through the 8 steps and number them in the correct order. There is a student booklet where they can write one step on each page and add an illustration. To take it one step further, paragraph paper is provided to help students transfer their writing steps into a paragraph form.

                    HAPPY  WRITING!

And, the intermediate product goes more in depth. Activities include brainstorming vocabulary to use in writing, using transition words, rough draft, proofreading with Spell-Check and Editing sheet, and final copy. An extension is included to take students further. They may write each step with one or two additional sentences to make the step more clear.  You can copy enough of the booklet pages to have one step per page. Finally, they can add illustrations. This is done in a booklet form that can be bound however you like.

Friday, June 23, 2017

A New Beginning

It's been almost a year since I have shared on this blog or created products. I am ready for a new beginning.

However, I would like to change my blog design and am not sure how to go about that. I honestly cannot remember who did this design, nor am I familiar with those that do designs now. I would really appreciate any help you all might offer.
Thanks so much! Susan